Pigeon Computer 0.1 documentation



Source code for pigeon.xerblin.stack


Tuple-based persistent stack.

This is too simple to document.  It's almost too simple to implement.

[docs]def push(stack, *items): '''Push arguments onto a stack.''' for item in items: stack = item, stack # push return stack
[docs]def pop(stack, number): '''Pop number arguments from stack.''' for _ in range(number): item, stack = stack # pop yield item yield stack
[docs]def iterStack(stack): '''Iterate through the items on the stack.''' while stack: item, stack = stack yield item
[docs]def lenStack(stack): '''Return the number of items on the stack.''' return sum(1 for _ in iterStack(stack))
[docs]def pick_(stack, n): ''' Find the nth item on the stack and duplicate it to TOS. (Pick with zero is the same as "dup".) ''' if n < 0: raise ValueError s = stack while True: try: item, s = s except ValueError: raise IndexError n -= 1 if n < 0: break return item, stack
