Pigeon Computer 0.1 documentation



Source code for pigeon.metacompiler.metaii

#!/usr/bin/env python
Meta II Meta-Compiler (Python Engine)

This is a Python implementation of Val Shorre's `Meta II metacompiler`_.

It is just the engine, the Meta-II machine, *not* a self-regenerating
metacompiler.  It *does* run the Meta-II assembly code and can scan the
Meta-II compiler description and (re-)compile that assembly code.

This engine can be used to play with metacompilers and generate all sorts
of cool and interesting things (see the Bayfront Technologies
`Metacompilers Tutorial`_.)  We're going to use it to target the Pigeon
Assembler's source format.

We can compile descriptions of high-level programming language constructs
into assembly code and then use the assembler to generate HEX files to
load on our chips, giving us a simple but powerful *toolchain* for
developing code for our micro-controllers.

.. _Meta II metacompiler: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/META_II

.. _Metacompilers Tutorial: http://www.bayfronttechnologies.com/mc_tutorial.html

from StringIO import StringIO

[docs]class MetaII(object): ''' Implementation of Val Shorre's Meta II metacompiler. (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/META_II) usage: metaii.py [-h] [-p PROGRAM] source positional arguments: source Source code file to compile. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p PROGRAM, --program PROGRAM Assembly file to use for compiler (default: metaii.asm). ''' def __init__(self): self.program = [] self.labels = {}
[docs] def assemble(self, program_source): ''' Assemble the provided Meta II assembly source text and become the machine (compiler) defined by that program. ''' for line in program_source.splitlines(False): if not line or line.isspace(): continue if line[0].isspace(): self.program.append(self.assemble_line(*line.split(None, 1))) else: label = line.strip() self.labels[label] = len(self.program)
[docs] def assemble_line(self, op, arg=None): ''' Used by the ``assemble()`` method to process each non-label input line in the assembly source text. ''' f = getattr(self, op) arg = (arg,) if arg is not None else () return f, arg
[docs] def compile(self, input_text): ''' Once a compiler assembly source text has been assembled (using the ``assemble()`` method) you can pass source code in the compiler's language to this method to compile it. :param input_text: Source code in the language recognized by the machine passed to the ``assemble()`` method. :type input_text: ``str`` :rtype: ``str`` ''' self.switch = False self.PC = 0 self.stack = [(False, -1), None, None] self.input = input_text self.output = StringIO() self.output_buffer = '\t' self.last = None self.error = self.end = False self.q = label_generator().next while not (self.error or self.end): op, args = self.program[self.PC] op(*args) self.PC += 1 return self.output.getvalue() # These are the "order codes" (assembly instructions) for the Meta II # metacompiler machine.
[docs] def ADR(self, ident): ''' Set PC to the given label/address. ''' self.PC = self.labels[ident] - 1
[docs] def TST(self, string): ''' Look for and consume the string in the input text, setting switch if found, otherwise consume nothing (but leading whitespace) and reset switch. Strips all leading whitespace. ''' string = string[1:-1] self._left_trim_input() self.switch = self.input.startswith(string) if self.switch: self.last = string self.input = self.input[len(string):]
[docs] def ID(self): ''' Strip all leading whitespace and scan for an identifier. If found consume it, store it in the ``last`` buffer and set switch, otherwise reset the switch. ''' self._left_trim_input() I = self.input if not I[0].isalpha() or I[0] == '_': self.switch = False return n = 1 while I[n].isalnum() or I[n] == '_': n += 1 self.last, self.input, self.switch = I[:n], I[n:], True
[docs] def NUM(self): ''' Strip all leading whitespace and scan for a number. If found consume it, store it in the ``last`` buffer and set switch, otherwise reset the switch. ''' self._left_trim_input() I, n = self.input, 0 while I[n] in set('0123456789.'): n += 1 num, rest = I[:n], I[n:] self.switch = n and num[0].isdigit() and num[-1].isdigit() if self.switch and n > 3: self.switch = not any( num[n + 1] == '.' for n in range(1, len(num) - 2) if num[n] == '.' ) if self.switch: self.last = num self.input = rest
[docs] def SR(self): ''' Strip all leading whitespace and scan for a string (enclosed in single quotes.) If found consume it, store it in the ``last`` buffer and set switch, otherwise reset the switch. ''' self._left_trim_input() I = self.input if I[0] != "'": self.switch = False return n, L = 1, len(I) while n < L: if I[n] == "'": n += 1 self.last, self.input, self.switch = I[:n], I[n:], True break n += 1 else: self.switch = False
[docs] def CLL(self, addr): ''' Call the subroutine at ``addr``. ''' self._push_call_frame() self.PC = self.labels[addr] - 1
[docs] def R(self): ''' Return from a subroutine. ''' self.PC = self._pop_call_frame() if self.PC == -1: self.end = True
[docs] def SET(self): ''' Set switch. ''' self.switch = True
[docs] def B(self, addr): ''' Unconditional branch to ``addr``. ''' self.PC = self.labels[addr] - 1
[docs] def BT(self, addr): ''' Branch to ``addr`` if switch is set. ''' if self.switch: self.PC = self.labels[addr] - 1
[docs] def BF(self, addr): ''' Branch to ``addr`` if switch is clear. ''' if not self.switch: self.PC = self.labels[addr] - 1
[docs] def BE(self): ''' Branch to error. Terminates compilation and (by default) prints a bit of debugging information. ''' if not self.switch: self.error = True
[docs] def CL(self, string): ''' Copy literal to output buffer. ''' self._out(string[1:-1])
[docs] def CI(self): ''' Copy ``last`` buffer contents to output buffer. ''' self._out(self.last)
[docs] def GN1(self): ''' Generate and output label for current subroutine cell 1. ''' cell = self.stack[-1] if not cell: cell = self.stack[-1] = self.q() self._out(cell)
[docs] def GN2(self): ''' Generate and output label for current subroutine cell 2. ''' cell = self.stack[-2] if not cell: cell = self.stack[-2] = self.q() self._out(cell)
[docs] def LB(self): ''' Set up output buffer for a label (as opposed to an instruction.) ''' self.output_buffer = self.output_buffer.lstrip()
[docs] def OUT(self): ''' Copy output buffer to output stream, appending a newline character, then reset output buffer for next line. ''' print >> self.output, self.output_buffer.rstrip() self.output_buffer = '\t'
[docs] def END(self): ''' Terminate compilation normally. ''' pass # Those are the order codes. The rest of these are support methods.
def _left_trim_input(self): self.input = self.input.lstrip() def _out(self, s): self.output_buffer += s def _push_call_frame(self): blank_already = self.stack[-2] is self.stack[-1] is None if blank_already: self.stack.append(None) else: self.stack.extend((None, None, None)) self.stack[-3] = blank_already, self.PC def _pop_call_frame(self): were_blank, return_address = self.stack[-3] if were_blank: self.stack[-3:] = [None, None] else: del self.stack[-3:] return return_address # Some debugging/introspection methods. (Not strictly needed.)
[docs] def info(self): ''' Print out some useful information about the current state of the assembler/compiler. Used for debugging and after errors to report, uh, errors. ''' from pprint import pformat print 'Stack:', pformat(self.stack) print 'last:', repr(self.last), 'switch:', self.switch print 'input:', repr(self.input[:20]) print 'PC:', self.PC, op, args = self.program[self.PC] L = self._labels_for_address(self.PC) if L: print L, ':', print op.__name__ + str(args)
[docs] def print_program(self): ''' Print out a dump of the assembled compiler machine's program. Used for debugging. ''' for n, (f, a) in enumerate(self.program): L = self._labels_for_address(n) if L: print L, ':' print ' %3i %3s %r' % (n, f.__name__, a)
def _labels_for_address(self, addr): return ' '.join(k for k, v in self.labels.iteritems() if v == addr)
[docs]def label_generator(): ''' Generator of string labels: 'L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L4', 'L5', ... ''' n = 1 while True: yield 'L' + str(n) n += 1
if __name__ == '__main__': from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--program', default='metaii.asm', help='Assembly file to use for compiler (default: %(default)s).', ) parser.add_argument('source', help='Source code file to compile.') args = parser.parse_args() metaii_asm = open(args.program).read() metaii_description = open(args.source).read() m2 = MetaII() m2.assemble(metaii_asm) new_asm = m2.compile(metaii_description) print new_asm if m2.error: m2.info() # print new_asm.rstrip() == metaii_asm.rstrip()
